domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

365 Random Life Challenge.

Siendo este el primero de, según el plan, 366 posts :o.
Se que puede no ser algo muy original, hah, de hecho me lo he copiado de una amiga (Sofi!) a quien conocí hace no mucho. Me agradó mucho la idea, y dije simplemente "¿Porqué no?", He de aclarar que aca abajo los títulos de los posts diarios estan en ingles pero al momento de publicar cada dia colocare el titulo en español. *,* ~emocionado~ haha tal vez sea un poco infantil de mi parte pero si. Me emociona el hecho de compartir este tipo de cosas. No lo digo porque "ohhh atraere cientos de miles de visitantes" haha no, podría decir que es una de los últimos motivos de este blog.lalalalalaa~~
Our journey starts, on this long, long steep slope..


Day 01. A recent picture of you and 20 facts about yourself.

Day 02. The last dream you remember having.

Day 03. A picture of your calligraphy ( A to Z and in upper and lower case).

Day 04. A picture of what's in your bag.

Day 05. 10 songs that will always be a part of your life.

Day 06. Handwrite a favorite curse word.

Day 07. One interesting fact for every year you’ve been alive.

Day 08. Your earliest memory.

Day 09. Handwrite a favorite word.

Day 10. A (TV show, movie, book, etc.) character who could be your best friend if he/she/it was real.

Day 11. A phobia you have or used to have.

Day 12. List four books that have changed your life so far.

Day 13. A favorite philosopher and why.

Day 14. A childhood picture.

Day 15. The city you live in.

Day 16. A favorite food.

Day 17. Do you wear glasses? If so, what are they for?

Day 18. Write four short messages to four different people (without using names).

Day 19. A picture of good luck periapts you have.

Day 20. Things that make you happy.

Day 21. A favorite (TV show, movie, book, etc) villain.

Day 22. A favorite music video.

Day 23. A picture of something you’d like to do every single day of your life.

Day 24. A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

Day 25. A favorite color.

Day 26. Handwrite a least favorite word.

Day 27. Pictures of your room.

Day 28. Things that make you sad.

Day 29. When you die, what do you want to happen with your body?

Day 30. Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Day 31. Something different you did today.

Day 32. A musical instrument you play and would like to play and why.

Day 33. A picture of you doing a grin.

Day 34. A song that you can listen at all times.

Day 35. A place (or places) where you’d like to live in.

Day 36. A fragment of a book that you love.

Day 37. A favorite piece of art.

Day 38. List everything you’ve eaten today.

Day 39. 10 things you’d like to learn.

Day 40. Where is your family from?

Day 41. A recipe you’d like to cook.

Day 42. Give your opinion about the last book you read.

Day 43. Four favorite quotes.

Day 44. What do you think when you hear the words “Be yourself”.

Day 45. A picture of a drawing you just made.

Day 46. A favorite purchase ever made.

Day 47. The worst advice you’ve ever heard or been given and why.

Day 48. A favorite film.

Day 49. Four celebrity crushes you have.

Day 50. Write something about anything that you believe in.

Day 51. A (TV show, movie, book, etc) character who looks like you.

Day 52. A new song you found today.

Day 53. Six thoughts that cross your mind a lot.

Day 54. If you were alone in a desert island and a bottle with a message inside was dragged there by the sea, what would you expect it to say?

Day 55. What’s the difference between living and existing?

Day 56. A favorite website.

Day 57. Try writing a short story.

Day 58. Try writing a poem.

Day 59. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being ridiculously happy and 1 feeling rock-bottom, how happy are you today?

Day 60. Someone you trust.

Day 61. A picture of your pet (if you have one). If not, a picture of a pet you’d like to have.

Day 62. A favorite TV show.

Day 63. Your thoughts on your family.

Day 64. A suicide note from you.

Day 65. A poem that you love.

Day 66. A person that you wished lived closer and why.

Day 67. If you could travel through time and space, when and where would you go?

Day 68. Words you live by and why.

Day 69. Something that made you smile this day.

Day 70. The best advice you’ve ever heard or been given and why.

Day 71. Handwrite a word that sounds good to you.

Day 72. Nicknames you have or had and the origin of them.

Day 73. Something you’ve always wondered.

Day 74. Super powers you’d like to have.

Day 75. A favorite drink.

Day 76. Four pet peeves.

Day 77. Your middle name and how do you feel about it (if you don’t have a middle name, what name would you like to have and why).

Day 78. Have you ever made a time capsule? If yes, do you remember what you put in it? If not, what would you put inside right now?

Day 79. A favorite board game.

Day 80. A picture taken by you that represents a song you really like.

Day 81. A big fear you have.

Day 82. What are your plans for tomorrow?

Day 83. A picture that makes you smile.

Day 84. A (TV show, movie, book, etc) character who acts like you.

Day 85. If your six year old self looked at you now, what would his/her reaction be?

Day 86. Your relationship status.

Day 87. Do you have any reoccurring dream? If so, describe it.

Day 88. If you could turn into an animal, what would it be and why?

Day 89. Something you’ve never tried because of fear.

Day 90. A picture of someone/something that makes you happy.

Day 91.Something in what you’re really good at.

Day 92. A book/movie/TV show you loved as a kid.

Day 93. The biggest lie you tell yourself.

Day 94. A picture of the city you were born in.

Day 95. Favorite super hero and why.

Day 96. A thought that usually comes into your mind as soon as you open your eyes when you wake up.

Day 97. Handwrite whatever you want filling the whole piece of paper.

Day 98. A letter to one of your body parts.

Day 99. A weird thing you do when you are alone.

Day 100. The story of your life in eight words.

Day 101. Put your playlist on shuffle: first 10 songs that appear.

Day 102. A song that defines you.

Day 103. The first musician/band you listened to that you found on your own (not that someone showed to you).

Day 104. A picture of your favorite pair of shoes.

Day 105. An obsession you have and why.

Day 106. A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

Day 107. Something you collect or would like to collect and why.

Day 108. Four confessions.

Day 109. Handwrite the first ten words that pop into your head.

Day 110. Your current Facebook profile picture.

Day 111. A sci-fi character you like.

Day 112. A guilty pleasure.

Day 113. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life or not and why?

Day 114. With which one of the seven deadly sins you identify the most and the least with and why?

Day 115. What makes you different from everyone else?

Day 116. A band or musical artist that changed your life.

Day 117. If you had to give a piece of advice to a newborn child, what would it be?

Day 118. A favorite holiday and why.

Day 119. Something that can almost always make your day better.

Day 120. A celebrity you’d love to hang out with.

Day 121. Describe a perfect day for you.

Day 122. What is art to you?

Day 123. What do you dislike the most about your generation?

Day 124. What do you like the most about your generation?

Day 125. A video that makes you happy.

Day 126. Describe the first time you got high (if you have).

Day 127. A favorite number and why.

Day 128. A picture of your tattoo(s) (if you have). If not, what tattoos would you like to get (if you’re going to) and the meaning of them.

Day 129. A picture of you making a “turned on” face.

Day 130. Name four material things you’d like to get.

Day 131. Name four immaterial things you’d like to get.

Day 132. Something that you carry with you at all times.

Day 133. Languages that you know and you’d like to learn.

Day 134. A favorite flower.

Day 135. What you imagine paradise to be like.

Day 136. Your first profile picture on Facebook.

Day 137. A memory that never fails to make you laugh.

Day 138. A screenshot of your desktop.

Day 139. Someone you think that would make a good president of your country and why.

Day 140. A picture of a place you visited today.

Day 141. Something you’re proud of that happened in the past few days.

Day 142. One of your most prized possessions.

Day 143. Something you found searching “Smile” on Google.

Day 144. Something you found searching “Happiness” on Google.

Day 145. A letter to someone you really miss.

Day 146. A song that starts with the first letter of your name.

Day 147. What “freedom” means to you.

Day 148. Ten things you’d give to ten different people in your will if you died right now.

Day 149. Your favorite arcade game.

Day 150. A song from your childhood.

Day 151. Would you rather live without music or without books?

Day 152. A letter to a closest friend.

Day 153. Did you have a good or bad day and why?

Day 154. Somewhere you want to visit inside your country.

Day 155. A letter to a person you only know virtually and you’d like to meet in person.

Day 156. Find and post a new word you’ve learned today by looking in a dictionary starting with each letter of the alphabet.

Day 157. “Remember that time when…”

Day 158. Five important things that have happened to you in the last 365 days.

Day 159. A picture of the favorite outfit from your wardrobe.

Day 160. Five things you usually do during your “ME time”.

Day 161. 10 things in your room that you’d put in your bag in case of a zombie apocalypse.

Day 162. A favorite writer.

Day 163. Select a random book. Copy the last sentence and use this line as the first line of a short story/poem.

Day 164. A picture of your favorite relative.

Day 165. Pick a letter of the alphabet. Now imagine an aisle of the supermarket. List everything that you think it would be found in it that begins with the letter you chose.

Day 166. The first song that appears alphabetically on your playlist.

Day 167. The last song that appears alphabetically on your playlist.

Day 168. Anything you want to post about.

Day 169. Would you rather be schizophrenic or have amnesia?

Day 170. Something you think others might find embarrassing in your room.

Day 171. Favorite day of the week and why.

Day 172. 15 things you want to do before you’re another decade old (turning 20, 30, etc.).

Day 173. Your views on plastic surgery.

Day 174. Take another picture of what’s in your bag.

Day 175. A quote that fits your day.

Day 176. A favorite Meme.

Day 177. An article from a magazine/newspaper you like.

Day 178. Ten places you want to go to before you die.

Day 179. If you want to have kids, how many would you like and what would their names be?

Day 180. A letter to someone you used to love.

Day 181. A drawing made by you of a character (TV show, movie, book, etc.) you like.

Day 182. Would you rather handwrite or typewrite and why?

Day 183. An idea for a children’s book.

Day 184. Google your horoscope for today. How accurate is it?

Day 185. Three wishes.

Day 186. Your views on death.

Day 187. At what point are we “good enough”?

Day 188. A picture you took.

Day 189. If you’d go to live in a mountain like a hermit, what 10 things would you bring with you and why?

Day 190. Handwrite your name. What does it mean? Why were you named that way?

Day 191. A smell that you like.

Day 192. Is ignorance really bliss?

Day 193. A message you’d like to receive in a fortune cookie you open.

Day 194. Handwrite a word that you think sounds weird (but you like it).

Day 195. One particular subject you really know about.

Day 196. A song that helps you clear your mind.

Day 197. A favorite picture of you taken by someone else.

Day 198. Write a riddle (keep the answer around).

Day 199. Your views on drugs (legal and illegal).

Day 200. One thing that you lost and still wonder where will it might be.

Day 201. What’s your passion?

Day 202. A news flash.

Day 203. What does “respect” mean to you?

Day 204. A favorite fruit.

Day 205. Pick a random record you own. Choose your favorite song from it and post it.

Day 206. A fantasy character you like.

Day 207. Something you’re looking forward to.

Day 208. An academic book you enjoy.

Day 209. A book/movie/TV Show you recommend and why.

Day 210. Something you’ve been putting off and why.

Day 211. A question about the world that you can’t figure out and why.

Day 212. The most stimulating thing you’ve learned in the past seven days.

Day 213. A question you hate to be asked.

Day 214. Currently favorite song.

Day 215. Truth or dare?

Day 216. Songs you listen to when you are: Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.

Day 217. Something you’d like to recommend (anything at all).

Day 218. 10 important things you think every person should learn.

Day 219. Do you think actions speak louder than words?

Day 220. Have you ever met a famous person? If so, whom?

Day 221. Current grades.

Day 222. Your views on cryogenics.

Day 223. Do you have a bucket list? If so, name some points in it.

Day 224. A favorite animal.

Day 225. An artist you revere and why.

Day 226. A picture of today’s sky during the day.

Day 227. Your favorite online game.

Day 228. A hobby you don’t get.

Day 229. Your favorite household chore.

Day 230. The story behind your URL.

Day 231. A letter to someone you love.

Day 232. Do you have any piercings? If so, where do you have them?

Day 233. If you could choose five friends to join you on a zombie apocalypse, who would they be?

Day 234. A sexual fantasy.

Day 235. A food place in the city where you current live that you’d recommend to tourists (food chain places are invalid).

Day 236. A goal for tomorrow.

Day 237. The story behind a random memory you want to tell.

Day 238. The most pointless thing you listened/viewed today.

Day 239. A picture of a toy that you still keep from your childhood.

Day 240. A historical fact from the day you were born.

Day 241. Your views on Harry Potter.

Day 242. 10 hobbies you have.

Day 243. Your views on social networks.

Day 244. A song that you know all the words to.

Day 245. A sound that you love.

Day 246. A video that made you laugh so hard you cried.

Day 247. List 10 wild dreams you have.

Day 248. Something you hope you never have to do.

Day 249. A (TV show, movie, book, etc) character that makes you flashback to your childhood.

Day 250. A food that makes you flashback to your childhood.

Day 251. A picture of your desk.

Day 252. Someone famous who shares the birthday with you.

Day 253. A cover from a favorite song.

Day 254. Your views on porn.

Day 255. Ask someone close to write anything about you.

Day 256. A favorite movie.

Day 257. A letter to your bed.

Day 258. Your favorite PC game.

Day 259. A species you think that shouldn’t exist and why.

Day 260. A letter to someone you hate.

Day 261. Do you believe in regrets and why?

Day 262. You’re locked in a room with three other people. Who are they, how did you get locked there and what are you doing?

Day 263. A picture taken by you of a stranger.

Day 264. A song that reminds you of somewhere.

Day 265. Pen color you use the most.

Day 266. Whomever you find most attractive in this world.

Day 267. Your views on blogging.

Day 268. Are you addicted to anything? (Honestly).

Day 269. Ask someone (stranger or not) to write a short story about anything he/she wants and post it here.

Day 270. A dreamed job besides the one you already want or have.

Day 271. A favorite musician.

Day 272. Have you ever had a teacher that changed your life?

Day 273. How do you judge intelligence?

Day 274. What words would you like to hear when you die?

Day 275. Your views on Veganism.

Day 276. What turns you on?

Day 277. What turns you off?

Day 278. A favorite (TV show, movie, book, etc) character.

Day 279. A sound that you hate.

Day 280. A picture of you in a costume.

Day 281. Your views on religion.

Day 282. A really awesome video you’ve seen on Youtube.

Day 283. Something you’re waiting to happen.

Day 284. A book/song/movie no one would expect you love.

Day 285. Your least favorite household chore.

Day 286. Your views on education.

Day 287. What do you worry about (most of the times)?

Day 288. If you could choose how you were going to die, what would you choose your death to be?

Day 289. A least favorite (TV show, movie, book, etc.) character.

Day 290. Have you broken any of Asimov’s three laws of robotics? (In other words, are you a human or a robot?)

Day 291. Write an entry about your last seven days.

Day 292. Your views on capitalism vs. communism.

Day 293. If you had the chance to be an X-Men, who would you be and why?

Day 294. A favorite cartoon.

Day 295. A song that you would like to learn to play.

Day 296. A least favorite color.

Day 297. If you were a teacher, what would you teach?

Day 298. A picture of your schedule (if you have one).

Day 299. A (TV show, movie, book, etc) character that you will love and remember for the rest of your life.

Day 300. If you had the power to return from the death a famous person who has died, who would he/she be and why?

Day 301. Are you proud to be from whatever country you are from and why?

Day 302. A folk tale from your country.

Day 303. A folk tale written by you.

Day 304. A musical artist you’d love to see live and why.

Day 305. A handicraft you’d like to learn to do and why.

Day 306. A smell that you don’t like.

Day 307. If you had to prescind from one of the five basic senses, which one would you choose and why?

Day 308. A fictional (TV show, movie, book, etc.) character you have or had a crush on.

Day 309. A profile picture of you (by profile means “side face”).

Day 310. Among all spree killers, which one do you find the most “impressive” and why?

Day 311. If you weren’t doing what you’re doing right now, what do you think that you’d be doing?

Day 312. Name a habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Day 313. Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.

Day 314. Your views on politics.

Day 315. Among all the cellular organelles, which one would you choose to be and why?

Day 316. Among all the organs in the body, which one would you choose to be and why?

Day 317. A letter to someone you’ve drifted away from.

Day 318. An advertisement you never forget.

Day 319. Did you vote on the last elections? Why or why not.

Day 320. If you had to choose a psychiatric condition, which one would be and why?

Day 321. A favorite sport.

Day 322. A least favorite sport.

Day 323. Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Day 324. A least favorite meme.

Day 325. Something you wish you could forget.

Day 326. A letter to someone you wish that existed.

Day 327. The perfect scenery for you right now.

Day 328. In what time would’ve you liked to be born and why?

Day 329. A joke invented by yourself.

Day 330. A favorite actor/actress.

Day 331. Among the 52 cards in a deck, which one would you choose and why?

Day 332. A least favorite philosopher and why.

Day 333. Send someone you know a postcard (a real one, not a virtual one). Take a picture of the postcard and post it.

Day 334. Your views on pharmaceutical drugs.

Day 335. Where would you like to be in 10 years?

Day 336. Where would you like to be in 50 years?

Day 337. A random picture you found on the internet and why you chose it.

Day 338. A local band/musician that you recommend (by local means from the city you live in).

Day 339. Life without internet would be…

Day 340. Your zodiac sign represents one of the four elements (earth, wind, fire, water). Do you think it fits you or not and why?

Day 341. What kind of problems would you have if you always told the truth?

Day 342. Handwrite a word that makes you laugh.

Day 343. Handwrite a word that makes you sad.

Day 344. Would you like to be from the opposite sex? Why or why not.

Day 345. If you had a band, what would be the name?

Day 346. A song that reminds you clearly of the time you spent in high school.

Day 347. Take another picture of what’s in your bag.

Day 348. In what way do you think human race will come to an end and why?

Day 349. In what way do you think the world will come to an end and why?

Day 350. A song that you used to listen to a lot a few years ago.

Day 351. Three pictures of you from the past few years.

Day 352. If the whole world would be listening to you, what would you say?

Day 353. Describe your dreamed home.

Day 354. When flipping a coin, you normally choose heads or tails?

Day 355. A vehicle you’d like to have.

Day 356. When you travel, do you carry a suitcase or not and why?

Day 357. A favorite ice cream flavor.

Day 358. A least favorite food.

Day 359. Do you or did you have an imaginary friend? If so, describe him/her/it.

Day 360. Rant about the world.

Day 361. Do you have any siblings? If so, how’s your relationship with them? (Post a picture of you with them if you have one)

Day 362. A picture of you taken today.

Day 363. Among the 362 past challenges, choose your five favorite ones and your least five favorite ones.

Day 364. What have you learned in this past year? 
Day 365. Who are you?

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